If you don't have the time or experience to put towards trading in the stock market, you should consider using an analytical program for finding the best stocks to buy. With the popularity of this software comes its share of drawbacks and there are more programs on the market than ever, so here are 3 tips to see through the hype and select the best program for picking out the best stocks to buy today.

First, make sure the program you go with offers a money back guarantee on it. Today you'll find that no legitimate publisher can offer anything less, so don't even bother dealing with stocks to buy pickers which don't offer this guarantee.

Next, see what sort of customer support they offer. While not many publishers of stocks to buy software have phone support, but you'll find that they will at least offer email support. Consider sending them an email in which you express your interest in their stocks to buy program and ask any relevant questions you may have. Most importantly gauge their response time and the quality of their response as I've found this tells you a wealth of information about the publisher but the program itself.

Finally, using a money back guarantee, you can test the program firsthand with no risk. Simply receive a few of its stocks to buy picks, then without investing in them simply follow their performances along in the market and gauge their performances accordingly.