The best penny stocks to buy will net you a huge profit in the short term so many traders spend every minute of their work lives tracking them down. Without the time to devote to analytics, however, you might consider falling back and relying on a new method which thousands of new traders are embracing to do just that every day and find the best penny stocks to buy.
The method I'm referring to is using an analytical program to find high probability penny stocks to buy on your behalf. These programs look for tiny overlaps between stock behavior in current stocks and behavior of well performing ones of the past before they hit their trends/upswings. Behavior tells you everything about what to expect in a current stock, hence the reliance by professional traders on this technology every day.
One thing to understand about these programs is that they work in part as email lists essentially. Once the program finds high probability penny stocks to buy, it sends out that information to every trader who has paid to sign up for the list/received these stock tips. Therefore the only challenge and important aspect of capitalizing on this information is investing accordingly once you receive the pick as once the rest of the list begins to invest accordingly, the price gets driven up substantially.
Another thing to consider about why these stocks perform so well is that after that initial surge which is again attributed to the strength of the investors of the list, outside traders not on the list will take notice of that large upswing and will invest accordingly in turn, as well. Because these penny stocks to buy start off at such cheap prices, it is much easier to directly and quickly affect their prices shortly.
One thing which I recommend doing is getting a specifically penny stock focused program all around, or in other words a program which only targets cheap stocks. The greatest difference between cheap stocks and greater priced ones is generally the volatility and speed at which they move. As such, I've had much greater success with programs which only target cheap stocks, understandably so.
Don't put off realizing your financial independence anymore because you were wary of the risk associated with investing. That's a non factor now that the analytical process is taken care of.
The Most Effective Method For Finding the Best Penny Stocks to Buy Posted By : Jonathon Langley
Buy Leading Stocks in Top Industries For Huge Profits Posted By : Gary E Kerkow
The first factor to analyze is the direction of the general market. Is the general market in an uptrend or downtrend? It is vitally important to only make new stock purchases with the general market in an uptrend. This is because 75-80% of all stocks follow the general market direction. This includes leading stocks.
Once you establish the general market is in an uptrend, now it is time to dig a little deeper and find out what industries are leading the market. The best way I know to determine this, is by checking the Industry Sub-Group Rankings with Investors Business Daily. IBD ranks 197 industry groups.
It is best to only buy stocks in the top 40-50 industry groups. Better yet, check to see if the industry group you are interested in, has been getting stronger the past few weeks and months. This is also a plus.
Next, based on fundamentals and technicals, you want to find the very best stocks from one of the top industry groups. The top few stocks in a strong industry group can produce fantastic profits. These leading stocks will have strong earnings and sales.
The reason it is important to buy leading stocks from top ranked industries, is because about 50% of a stock's ultimate price advance is directly related to its industry group and sector.
At the beginning of a new general market uptrend, the first stocks that bounce back to new price highs are usually the new leaders of this emerging market cycle. The very best leading stocks tend to come out in the first few weeks or so.
There are other important factors to consider when buying stocks, but industry group analysis is certainly a major one. I recommend reading, "How to Make Money in Stocks", by William J. O'Neil. This book is certainly one of the best stock market books ever published and much can be learned from it.
Currency Exchange Rates to Know the Changing Values of Currencies Posted By : Sourav Sharma
Currency exchange is not only related to forex trading but also international trade purposes, traveling, etc. The value of a currency differs from one nation to another. It is only through currency exchange rates that you will come to know the rising or lowering value of a particular currency. And currency values do not remain static; these are subject to change based on international market fluctuations. No matter whether you are a traveler or an international trader or a forex trader, staying updated with currency exchange news will let you know about the changing values of currencies. There are tools available for purchase as well as free online calculators on web, using which you can come to know about the currency exchange rates of your preferred nation. Web portals that deal in information related to business and finance do run currency exchange calculators for the benefit of the users. Even a financial/business news portal runs such a calculator. It hardly takes seconds to get the values by using this converter. All you need to do is select the currency that you want to convert as well as the preferred converted currency.
Currency trading is as all the rage as stock trading and both the segments are almost same in trading features with the latter involving more risk. Seeing the lucrative opportunities in currency trading, more and more investors are choosing this platform. It is one of the most popular and revenue generating sectors in the world. It is the buying and selling of currencies that is the base of this trading venture.
The rate at which one currency is exchanged for another currency is called currency exchange rate. For example, you are traveling to USA; there you will need dollars for transaction purpose. Your Indian rupee won't work there! What you will have to do beforehand is approach a bank or an agency that deals in currency exchange, and accordingly get the money exchanged. But you may not get the equal amount owing to the difference in currency exchange rates. And today's value may not be same as yesterday's or tomorrow's, as it is subject to change. This very fluctuation is generated by a number of factors such as industrial production, inflation, geopolitical events, etc. It is currency exchange news that will keep you updated about the changes in value.